SEM4 -- Structures

QSB 2523

Structures comprise of only one assignment, which includes 4-5 members per group. As for mine, there were 4 of us. 

We were assigned to build a bridge of straws with 1 metre long and 25cm span. Tension and compression forces are two major considerations in this assignment. Two of 1.5 litres mineral bottle is to be tested hooked on to the bridge and thereafter to be tested with an additional of one bottle after another until the bridge fails to sustain the water weight. 

Through this team assignment of four, all we needed was many straws and the '3 second' glue. What we faced to appear to be difficult was the idea of constructing the bridge. We sat and discussed for ideas, many ideas searched from the internet. We worked it out together and finally have decided on which design to be used, the "Pratt Truss". We have stayed back for several days in university to complete our bridge. 

At the end of it, our straw bridge was able to uphold 2 bottles of 1.5 litres of water and an additional of a quarter of the third bottle until our bridge failed. I have learned to respect for my group leader and another of my group member due to their dedication of building the straw bridge. 

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